Meeting 1st Thursday monthly (not January) 7.00 pm, Lalor Library, May Rd Lalor (Vic, Melbourne, Australia)


The Club’s Mission

Our mission is to upskill those interested in Bonsai, and assist individuals in their develpment and enjoyment in the gentle art of bonsai.

Meetings – Visitors welcome

IMG_1580Meetings generally alternate between a Workshop night and a Demonstration night. On a Workshop night, members bring a tree of their own, and work on improving it with as much or as little advice from more experienced members as they desire. One can ask the advice of several people, and then choose which to accept, or go one’s own way with the tree.

On a Demonstration night, someone from the club or a guest demonstrator will work on a bonsai while members watch on, and the demonstrator will explain what they are doing and why as they go. This is a very effective way to learn, and is much better than just reading what to do. Sometimes our Demonstration night is a Masterclass, in which members bring the appropriate materials and try to reproduce what the demonstrator is doing, such as making a twisted trunk, an air-layer, or a forest, for a few examples.

IMG_1573This is something of a cross between a workshop and a demonstration, and is also a wonderful way to experiment with something different, and learn a lot. We aim to hold a show, open to the public with a small entrance fee, each year, and all members are encouraged to place a tree in the show. We hold some other events such as a trip to a  nursery or a dig day for example, and such events may be on a weekend.

The when and where of meetings can be found at the top of this page or the program page.